Handling-data sheet
WoolsWalls® by Farrás Home® is placed in walls and ceilings using a resin or glue. A professional with the necessary experience such as wallpaper installer, is capable to do it. Depending on the customer's location, Farrás Home® may be able to provide an installer.
It is advisable to ask us about the appropriate type of glue or resin for the installation.
WoolWalls® cleaning method is very simple as it is natural material made of sheep's wool. It can be cleaned with a damp cloth, a duster or a vacuum cleaner.
Data sheet
Multilayer openwork structure textile material manufactured under standard UNE 40.084. Twill on both faces A and B plus mechanical glueless punching and resin.
Our woollen coatings not only beautify spaces. They also meet the highest quality and safety standards. We always strive to create cozy and functional environments for our customers. Welcome to a space where design and regulations meet in harmony! 🌟🏨🍽️
Regulatory Compliance in Interior Coatings for Hotels and Restaurants
Fire retardancy and safety:
Our coatings are manufactured with sheep's wool, a fire retardant and fire-resistant material. They comply with European regulations to ensure residents' safety in case of fire.
Acoustic Insulation:
Noise problems are common in hotels, restaurantes and offices. WoolWalls® by Farrás Home coatings are specially designed to control acoustics in corridors, rooms and common areas.
Humidity Control:
Humidity can affect negatively interior spaces' durability. Our coatings protect walls and ceilings against moisture, preventing damage and ensuring a comfortable environment. Wool easily absorbs up to more than 45% of its weight without soaking.
Thermal Efficiency:
Merino sheep's wool acts as thermal and acoustic insulator. It helps maintain a pleasant temperature in the rooms and reduces heat or cold loss.